Learn The Fertility Awareness Method so you're timing intercourse correctly and optimising your chances of conceiving every single cycle!
Over 12 lessons you will learn:
- The wisdom that every one should be taught growing up to have deep body literacy around their fertility
- The inner workings of your endocrine system, female reproductive anatomy, the process of egg maturation and conception
- The four phases of the menstrual cycle, the hormonal changes throughout each phase and how these impact your fertility
- How to confidently assess the health of your period and know when deeper support is needed
- The Fertility Awareness Method (Sympto-thermal method) and how to identify fertile and non-fertile phases of your cycle and pinpoint ovulation through cervical mucus, basal body temperature and cycle tracking
- The differences and nuances of cervical mucus throughout the four phases of your cycle and clear guidance on how to begin charting today
- The 3 key guidelines to follow in order to optimise your chances of conceiving each cycle
- Say bye bye to fem tech, LH sticks and misleading apps and hello to deep body literacy!
- Take your time, you have access to this course for 6 months to absorb all the information.