$220.00 AUD

3 monthly payments

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EXPAND - Level 2 - Payment plan

Our signature self paced pre conception program designed to educate, empower & equip you and your partner with everything you need to enhance & understand your health & fertility to optimise your chances of conceiving. 

This program is unlike any other pre conception program offered online as it was created by a degree qualified naturopath, clinical nutritionist and certified fertility awareness educator and draws knowledge from each of these modalities providing you and your partner with a deeply holistic and comprehensive roadmap for your fertility journey.

Expand comprehensive program includes 7 evidenced based modules that encompasses mindset, nervous system, fertility awareness, environment, nutrition and movement over 32 lessons.

You have access to a downloadable cycle chart, comprehensive nutrition and environmental toxin Ebooks, guides, handouts, meditations, practical tools, discount codes + so much more!

You have access to this course for 6 months, so take your time absorbing all the information.